Lean on me

Bright at first, full of hope and promise, these things remained throughout.

The years went by and you made up your mind about how you were. How you were going to live, going to live with yourself and those around.

You did your best. You tripped and fell, stumped and bumped around, yet always got up and got moving again. You laughed, loved, cried, struggled and overcame. You did your best.

Somehow you always seemed in some way fascinated by this ride we call Life.

In this time now, you can lean on me.

It’s OK to be scared for in this life we only travel this road but once.

It is an honour to carry you on this part of your journey, as will I one day follow.

You can lean on me.

It is Ok to let go now, for it is the way it is supposed to be.

Even at this time you are doing what you must with class and honour. I hope one day to set the example you are now.

May the light that is you shine brightly now as it has always done. May it brighten even more so as this inevitable occurs.

May it in fact shine even more intensely in those that remain, once grieving past.

For you will be in those gone from this place, but you will not be forgotten.

Lean now on me, I’ll hold your hand, all is just fine.

Love you Dad!

This piece came from me on the morning my father passed away.  It is shared not exactly as everything else has been.  It will not go into any hard copy book.  It’s too close to me for it to end up in a book.

But I share because of the healing the world seems to need right now.


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