Today is the first day of your life

Today is the first day of your life

Regardless of the noise that surrounds, today, right in front of you, now in the moment, today is the the first day in the rest of your life. The rest are already history, today is the new one presented.

You have all you need to decide for yourself how you will conduct yourself. Change comes not but massive leaps and bounds. But in small changes, we start to flow in new ways.

In your decisions today you are free to decide for yourself to smile at someone you haven’t meet. To take your nose out of the media and devices that abound, and look maybe for the first time, on a new world. Taking it all in.

The same one you may see each day. But today you see it in a different light, the fidelity turned right up.

This day might choose to see the good in people around you. You might see someone in need and lend a hand. You might open a door for someone else. Maybe you’ll listen with more compassion to someone complaining about something.

You can choose how much of yesterday to take with you today and how it will or will not affect your actions, thoughts and deeds.

Regardless in this day, in the next moment is your freedom to choose. How you will respond to the day and who you are therefore in that moment.



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