The moments of real profit

The moments of real profit

(To be read slowly letting each line wash over you.)

The warmth of the summer breeze as you stroll on shores soft sand.

The hand of the new born in your palm, eyes making contact for first time.

The Love of your partner.

The shoulder needed to cry on, provided without judgement.

The laughter of friends and family.

The awe of seeing nature in all grandeur, from mountain top to valley floor.

The excitement felt when a lofty goal accomplished.

The cold winter snap that warms the soul.

The peace felt when a quiet time enjoyed.

When you feel in Love. Nothing else now in mind.

The adventure experienced when attempting something new.

The open arms of those you Love, welcoming you home.

From the act of kindness or Love that took breath away.

In the learning to forgive self.

The buzz of new-borns’ arrival to home.

In the kindness, compassion and understanding received.

In the Kindness, compassion and understanding given.

The out stretched hand of a child placing all into your palm.

The sweetness of first kiss. Excitement tingling to the core.

The absolute Joy of the child bursting through front door to tell Mum or Dad about their day. Excitement at overload.

In the becoming aware and being able to observe and learn from your own experience of Life.

In the overcoming the pains and sufferings that come as part of Life.

These are the things that are the real gems in Life. Those things from which we truly profit as we ride this journey.

If you go inside each etched clearly as if granite of the memory.

None of these things can be exchanged for momentary gain, bought or sold.

Yet the word “Profit” has been stolen in deceit. The result of which causes division and destruction without care. Without concern for our home or for those suffering as a result.

How many lives will be lost chasing unobtainable monetary wealth? “When all I need is just a little bit more”. An endless loop of pain and suffering the result.

If Life is to be enjoyed as a rich and wealthy existence, then turn your heart and mind away from that of financial value and gain.

Turn instead towards the priceless gifts given freely to you in your life.

Profit not by having to stand on another’s throat to claw your way “to the top”. Profit instead by paying attention to your thoughts and actions. Profit by the satisfaction of caring for those around you as they start to learn how to look out for you.

Profit indeed by paying attention to your Life, without distraction of the financial lie.

Have fun, be in Joy, care.

Your Life too precious now to allow others to come in and steal it away from you.



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