Your value

Your Value

Unique in the world you are, oh so special, so special.

Yes, shared your features, face, smile, laughter, and tears with us all.

But yours is given for your experience, your discovery, a special reflection your life given.

Let no one else limit your definition of success, be measured by no one other than your own.

The world pales in comparison of its measure of success, achievement and what it takes to get ahead in that world.

None of these can ever come close to your own decision to start your own self-discovery path.

Not walked by many, today it seems, the path ahead often perhaps lonely, but none richer no reward greater than you being successful just because you decide to make it so.

External only the reflection for learning purpose and experience.

Internal where the rivers of gold lie, where the reflection makes sparkle before your eyes.

Do not be deceived by the glamour, the lights, the toys, the stresses, outside.

Life awaits ready for you, the very second you decide to truly walk on its path.

Such beauty, inner joy, real passion, hard work and more waits for the brave who decide.

The gift given from the start, free, absolutely no cost.

Yours to put down, waste and ignore, if you like.

But equally yours to cherish, polish and put yourself under to be honed.

To be crafted into fine polished stone.

Let none of the false measure handed down from the world limit your measure of success for you.

Take a deep deep breath, hold it close and step.

You alone have to be the start; no one else can take your place.

Take that breath and step.

#pathwaystoresonance #spiritual #journey #self #development #growth

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