

Deceit, Anger, Noise, Pressure, Stress, Money, Debt, Dog eat Dog, Hassle, Struggle, Fear, Anxiety, Toxic, Consumption, Unsafe, Locks.

Rest, Gentleness, Kindness, Nature, Natural, Quiet, Peaceful, Love, Loving, Caring, Listening, Stillness, Light

These held as reflection against each other, where is the most of your time invested?

The understanding about change can come as a bolt, but often gentle awaking over time seems the path.

Every reason for not moving, valid rock solid, because all of them are yours, deep rooted since a child. Deep rooted by the messages bombarding all the time. Deep rooted by the Fear, liberally painted into most things around.

The action for change remains yours.

No one can gently lift the foot to step in another direction for you. No one can decide to make space for something new. No Law can be struck, no Fear large enough made, to remove your free will to decide.

Your action for change, to change the reflection, lies only in you. Every excuse valid of course. But the truth is, how you reflect what you reflect, this decision so large and so small, is yours only to decide.

For in this reflection, you can only see yourself.



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