Is the Freedom I preach just veiled under the cloak of consumption?
Is the Freedom I preach just veiled under the cloak of consumption?

When thought allowed to run, the model of Freedom often directed to the Western model of Life, it is. Free to do as I like, purchase what I want, that next experience, go where I want. And yet perhaps in this thought hides, a more bitter future than apparent at first glance. For isn't it...

The moment
Posted by admin | 21 July 2022| 2018, Articles with Photos, V III | development, Discovery, individual, journey, personal, self, spiritual
The moment

With noise pounding into your life, it seems, from every possible angle. The media, your school, the web, all those apps, the bank manager, your peers, the noise and pressures you place on yourself. It is a wonder that so many survive this thing we are sold is Life. The interesting consideration is of course,...

Posted by admin | 14 July 2022| 2018, Articles with Photos, V III | development, Discovery, individual, journey, self, spiritual

Now from a different perspective applied. Those with sight can see a twisted floor, yet that is not true. So even inside our limited ability, tricks can be played to change our version of Reality. More, for those without sight this picture affects them not, nor would the floor if they were to walk on...

Posted by admin | 13 July 2022| 2022, Articles without Photos, V IV | individual, journey, Pathways, personal, self, spiritual
As the new returns.

It’s coming now, returning on our behalf as it has done perhaps hundreds or millions of times. So subtle that from day to day year to year, it’s arrival not noticed. Until reviewed back from a lofty place, it remains undetectable. And then only for those with the eyes to see. Layer upon layer, slowly,...

Your time with us was short
Your time with us was short

A better witness to the richness of life, could want for no other. Upon reflection, so much love not to be contained here for long. As though you knew time was short, crammed more in than legions do. Extreme you lived, often to the extreme of Love committed. Normal to be in the whirlwind that...

To the horizon now our attention must be fixed.
Posted by admin | 11 July 2022| 2022 | Enlightenment, individual, journey, personal, self
To the horizon now our attention must be fixed.

Everything firm now made unstable. What was solid before moves away if you turn to rely upon as you did yesterday. For now we enter a time of much disruption. For those that know now what they do have already set sail to shores yet to be identified. But they know what they do and...

Blowing in the wind
Posted by admin | 09 July 2022| 2022, Articles with Photos, V IV | Enlightenment, individual, journey, personal, self, spiritual
My home in the wind

Nature knows nothing of fixed or held fast.  It tries not to hold onto itself.  Rather it flows inside the miracle that this place provides it to exist at all.  For Nature is not the source it is the result, you see. It dances to the tunes of old, before time.  Constantly caressing itself, changing...

Who is the greater man?
Posted by admin | 09 July 2022| 2016, Articles with Photos, V II | Enlightenment, individual, journey, personal, self, spiritual
Who is the greater man?

The one with the biggest gun, can do more destruction than that on the right? Perhaps the biggest bank balance? The one that plans to deceive and cheat his neighbour? Those that do whatever they can to stand on the throats of neighbours, perhaps only for the sake of profit? Or The one that stands...


Our ability to interact with this world with senses provided, limited, might be the best description. For all needed to be done is a simple trick on the eye to change our perspective on everything. Is the can when looked at straight on in fact a square, yet from the bottom or top a circle?...

Subtle, is the way, Love is the key
Subtle, is the way, Love is the key

The more revealed, the more in awe of all abounds, you will be. “Mind the Gap”, they say and yet in that simple term all truth is contained. In the Gap is all you need. Seemingly incredibly small when first discovered, yet expanding without limit is the reality. Brave to step, to commit to the...

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