the hang of the ride
Posted by admin | 29 December 2021| 2021, Articles with Photos, V IV | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, individual, personal, self, spiritual

For a long time, noise constantly at you. Throughout your Life, you have been. So loud that no other song could have possibly made it in. For it was education, work, family, paying the debts, the Life crammed so full that no hint of anything else could arrive. Until on that faithful day a question...

Posted by admin | 29 December 2021| 2015, Articles with Photos, V I | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, personal, self, spiritual

In those famous words that we all know so well, yet don't spend the time we should thinking about them ..... "all we need is love". Love of ourselves Love for the quiet times, the time to go inside and just breath. Love for our family and friends, without reservation, just because we choose to....

When all boiled away
Posted by admin | 29 December 2021| 2016, Articles with Photos, V II | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, individual, journey, self, spiritual
When all boiled away

For just a sec, take a minute and pause. Imagine a pot on the boil. Filled to the brim with promise, creation, being caressed by the flame licking in the breeze at the bottom. Left for ages to simmer away. Gently the impurities are released. Bad elements evaporate out of the mix. Often what remains...

Human Nature
Posted by admin | 27 December 2021| 2017, Articles with Photos, V III | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, individual, journey, personal, self, spiritual
Human Nature

It arrived, into a conversation being taken recently. “Oh that is just Human Nature” with reference to the hurt and casual disregard of those actions laid at the feet of “Human Nature”. Having pondered much, there is much insight in these cast a ways, this one not being in isolation. For we abstain from truth,...

Such beauty, such promise, such a gift given, and yet so much waste
Posted by admin | 27 December 2021| 2015, Articles with Photos, V I | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, personal, self, spiritual
Such beauty, such promise, such a gift given, and yet so much waste

Such beauty, such promise, such a gift given, and yet so much waste A tipping point, due any day, is before this place we call home. Money, the way we are told we have to transact - rotten to the core. No value anywhere, just a game of lights and trickery. Fossil fuel consumption, the...

What purpose does it serve?
What purpose does it serve?

All this noise, this tremendous deafening, destructive, mind robbing, numbing noise. Why do we need to drown ourselves in this madness? Politicians telling me how to think, lying to me for selfish gain? The media stuffing utter nonsense towards me about things over which I can have no influence. The box, consuming my life with...

Posted by admin | 24 December 2021| 2015, Articles with Photos, V I | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, personal, self, spiritual

In those famous words that we all know so well, yet don't spend the time we should thinking about them ..... "all we need is Love". Love of ourselves Love for the quiet times, the time to go inside and just breath. Love for our family and friends, without reservation, just because we choose to....

Sun Glasses 2 of 3
Posted by admin | 22 December 2021| 2015, Articles with Photos, V I | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, personal, self, spiritual
Sun Glasses 2 of 3

So if all true, this pair I wear, then how do I go about knowing that they are even there? What are the layers that hold me so fast, which ones are mine, how do I break the cast? Many will tell you what is right and wrong, that their way is the right and...

Sun Glasses 2 of 3
Posted by admin | 18 December 2021| 2015, Articles with Photos, V I | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, personal, self, spiritual
Sun Glasses 1 of 3

When I look into the mirror, reflected the life shines. The same spark I see now in everyone I see, passing by. It glows so bright that sometimes it is hard to look. Blinded for the moment by the brilliance of this gift of life, carried well or not by everyone. Sometimes my breath is...

What has been taken
Posted by admin | 18 December 2021| 2016, Articles with Photos, V II | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, individual, journey, self, spiritual
What has been taken, removed oh so subtly from us

Day by day we got so busy, so in need for everything new and shiny. A price paid we understood not. Oh and at such a price. Passion. Of course we get some time to rest, to recharge, to bang our heads once again for just one more week, week on week, never ending until...

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