Some truths about our world
Some truths about our world

Social Media is not. We were meant to be in community with each other, not at the end of a keyboard, ranting and screaming because everyone else is crazy. Social Media is not. It takes 12 calories of energy to place one food calorie in front of you. Global trade is toxic. Grow food, be...

Stop it, just stop it
Stop it, just stop it

End the wars, stop making my own food toxic. Stop poisoning our water. Stop the abuse, mental and physical. Stop the toxins introduced by big Pharma. Stop the endless consumption. Stop the pressure to keep running, no end in sight, just to survive. Stop, put down, the hate. Stop the anger the deceit and distrust....

There is energy in this world
Posted by admin | 12 December 2021| 2017, Articles with Photos, V III | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, individual, journey, personal, self, spiritual
There is energy in this world

Threads of connections that come and go, mostly without attention paid. We let the noise of the world in, distracting all-consuming if we let it. We hold onto those parts we think are important from the noise, not noticing that these things are only dust. Here for the time we are, vanishing oh so quickly...

Such beauty, such promise
Posted by admin | 10 December 2021| 2015, Articles with Photos, V I | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, personal, self, spiritual
Such beauty, such promise

A tipping point, due any day, is before this place we call home. Money, the way we are told we have to transact - rotten to the core. No value anywhere, just a game of lights and trickery. Fossil fuel consumption, the bell curve already long peaked. The creation of the massive population explosion. A...

White diamonds
White diamonds

Those that sparkle almost too bright to look into. In fact they give off / let out light these ones, for so pure, clean and oh the sheen on each is incredible. Almost beyond belief, hard to look away, so deep the light. Each has a hue of Golden energy around that protects the inner...

So the signs, where are the signs?
Posted by admin | 07 December 2021| 2015, Articles with Photos, V I | development, Discovery, Enlightenment, journey, personal, self
So the signs, where are the signs?

Where is this path that seems forever hidden from me? How should I get started if this walk is indeed mine to journey? Contained in your smile. Those guiding voices that everyone should listen to. Those that are constantly with you if you learn to listen and pay attention. That bird on the wing you...

Human beings – really?
Posted by admin | 04 December 2021| 2015, Articles with Photos, V I | development, Discovery, journey, Pathways, personal, self, spiritual
Human beings – really?

We: allow all forms of media into our lives, sometimes even without thought. (yes even this one) Get stressed and angry at things that shouldn’t trigger Get sucked into a system that takes over our lives, often it seems without choice. Outsource the education of our kids to those that might not have their best...

Hands up all those that carry hurt and pain, grief and doubt
Hands up all those that carry hurt and pain, grief and doubt

Those things that weigh down, hold us fast, snuff out our light of possibility, quick smart. “Why not instead another way you decided?” as you made your path”, the single question needed to change our world forever. So simple and immediate the contrast would be. For we would decide, each one of us, to be...

Pollution it surrounds, so toxic and yet so subtle it consumes all about
Pollution it surrounds, so toxic and yet so subtle it consumes all about

For even this ode, noise it adds. Yet, without moments of silence, of collection, the noise so loud will consume all. So to write from time to time feels so right. This thing called life so, so close it remains. Yet even in that space, the world has crammed so much in. Crammed so tight...

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